Saturday, April 21, 2012

"treb" & "mafe"

bescherellia, erpodium biseriatum, please pay the full amount, you had the privilege of living, living without money, penniless christmas, yer gonna ding me, curious elastic band, we used to eat a little different, you are ordered to buy, you had money, withdrawal from reality, you were on an alcohol system, treb, indy lit, litter honey, these days we grind down to nothing, seventy-five percent off all books, two thousand and nine dollars, interest on the ninety-nine cents, agrafer, the essential drunk at the end of a week, a certain point in time: a certain number of dollars to your name, may be month of, mafe, here you are suddenly lost, next step powder, spring’s public relations, u wanna pizza, bread and milk, you had two grand, now you can eat your favourite food for every meal, lily’s navel, formula, where did you get the two grand,

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