Saturday, March 01, 2014


the orientation of the blob,
initializing texture cache,
onverse, the european grip, ciut,
the stress of distress, history is
paying the bills, one helps one,
saint anch, milk over bootie,
radio o’clock, now or never o’clock,
the ink take, all in quotation
marks, infinite reality, a grande
passion, consecrate each heartbeat,
wu send wu send, pneumocystis,
cimz, crex crex, pops metamorphosis,
undo border, a clear cut, one
provides dead air, renew the one,
respect the margin, not obvious
cut, we will get to this text,
sepulcher of dante, i am not
a writer, this is the one that
went to albania, shift
happens, sugimoto, the situation
for you at the moment, take
a proper gander goose, beast
art, ty for the yuck, also
known as plastic bucket,
please hold my mail indefinitely,
you may find yourself so far
away from it, lose that feel,
the deterioration font,
galosh, document this, deviant
tart, did you find this in
the street, we got post covered,

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