Sunday, February 15, 2009

grass teat

at the level of velleity,
which text did you like
better, time of life,
woe destro, the action of
toner over time, orpeno,
machine head, machine
down, grass teat, lead
ink, time and real,
creosotea kawliga, what
on the mind, do a draw,
miniature art, microbeing,
what thumb, biu, copy
delight, art trash,
what ever hap, could of,
spime, trip chaucer, in
the daze, who we were we
were, time on, ne cum,

actually buy art, tell us the
story, is this me, where’d you get
your mailing list, microdebt,
still?, now is found or lost time,
renewed dewener, no info is
good info, handcopy, gap, call
and lack, as a mic, stone notes,
mere scribbling, allergic to
pigs, abductress, actual file,
no hardware required, still
interest, the window is gone,
close enuf doors, keep
moving, plain life, torque
this, imp international,
rubbed up against blue,
zinesense, money does not
work, the table is free,
again trance, no grudge,

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