Saturday, May 31, 2014


goodbye to all that, the bronkin’
buck, oosti, ain’t skeered, money
fluctuates, cotton web, you’ve
got your codes memorized, vmob,
penny talk, the only good beaver
is a dead beaver, canada is the
devil, the coupon the coupon, eye
ching cluster, hats unbleached,
hats not unbleached and not
hats, trampling my shadow’s
bones into the concrete, ego
dissolution, marxist psychology,
le tus, le vieil alt, thinking
off each other, hyper-generative,
the espresso book machine,
kanapism, you got your blank,
orange broadband, the muddle-
class, animaniacs, cloc, cangue,
almost went down, work stoppages,
you might want to consider a
little protection, she can’t lift
the lightest thing, nice little
thirty-two page booklet, we
want you to understand just
exactly how you are getting
screwed, spousal, reference
to i me or my, you ain’t worth
a penny, why are you avoiding
death, matagorda, we go thru
a lot of sausages, you can
see the polytrichum well,
we need to read all,

Friday, May 30, 2014

"candy causes crime"

zuchini weeeen, what is this
artist doing, kill for peace,
looks like your colour’s off a
little, tip to, thinking with
your money, you can’t live on
art alone, fried red herrings,
are you a bee or a flower,
a sheet of ham, what is
ascending, this little stamp
caused quite a stir, whittier,
activate postage, real fish,
boucher, fluxsheet, grufo,
hopper op, the world’s biggest
mountain man, seeing it there
or placing it there, baselisk,
kau, fishphone, antarctic
ono, good enuf for rain,
one person’s sucks, paper pills,
spare us the shit, note rust,
guri, ardi, faintings,
moving pictures gallery,
candy causes crime, mal
aware ness, the font of
capitalism, image liberation
front, trailerparktribalcore,
rlish, let’s go rl, infinite
landscape, roxygen, rox gems,
retarded advertizing
works, if you are on the
second level then i am,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

"wheatland pursuant"

driving from iowa city to akron,
dented penny, give away the
damaged one, production values
aside, beeding, just make sure
you have everything perfect
before you push the button,
visual literature, splac, the
good stuff gets buried under
crap, words? where’s the fuckin’
words?, ka-ching!, e-lemonade,
dicey with a cluster headache,
karenin’ , you didn’t really
expect it to take the ink
did you?, you didn’t do fuck
all! hello!, one hundred
carly, think nothing of a
forty dollar lunch, get
your money swiped, public
internet computer, what
does the hat mean to you?,
wheatland pursuant, bra
that converts into gas mask
wins nobel prize, can boreal,
adderall up, the mess left
by the texan, make plans
make plans make plans, if
you pay cash you get more
blank space, cluster of
quarters, adulant,

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"kate beckinsale thirty-six"

loada words, you are failing
to read the essential texts,
mbam, heteroclite agro, a
humanist sans-serif typeface,
trebuchets the war machines,
kate beckinsale thirty-six,
eleven fucking cents, why
don’t you let me take you away
from all this, cluster of light-
bulbs, crum west virginia,
a flat hat, puns a penny,
are you lovers? i lamp sand
cut!, homosexualization,
lost inside another mind,
materialist psychological
science, eulogistics, a
professional poet, glass-like
pellets, quinapril, warfarin,
porcine pulmonic valve,
chartpak, pot head pixies,
tulpa, baybeast, nibiru,
ceto, shibuya crossing,
remember that you must
die, skiffy, texts being
set free, rose priddle died
nineteen-sixty-four, not
much to chose between
ten years apart, laying
it down in blue ball
point, every net word,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


it’s bright and colourful:
lunacy, six six seven: the
neighbour of the beast, i’m a
non-builder, katatonic,
bluehenge, kollywood, bpo,
first and second all at once,
dharmasala, luckyboards,
paper cement, bullcorn,
wordfist, offliners club,
cantanga, four dollars for
a green pepper, that’s a
small piece of paper, ellum,
philoprogenitive, broken hat,
among the moss little pale
flowers grew, bunraku,
sporn, struck by a van on
rue des ecoles, the carolina
rediviva, a cluster of
nothing, they aren’t making
stamps anymore, zero zero’s
involvement, peter doubt,
the rebooted version, blood
spattered on the text, the
event of meeting, social
praxis, predictive text,
concrete inversion of life,
tabling events, consumption
expecting headaches,
pretend it’s a maze,
just pick one phrase,

Monday, May 26, 2014


heart’s a penny, half-penny
heart, hearts a penny, penny
heart, sea urchin engine,
telecopy, propaganja, shadflyism,
ostie, moop, lilo, the boop, the
dirt room, bot herd, media
tactics, dollar forty-nine day,
barbara ann scott, burning
pennies, poppy seed cake with
plentiful butter, facial
controls, comps, electric
construction heater,
nipper-tipping, shura,
cours publics not cours
publiés, soûlographe,
plastered, k, tack ska du ha,
the medieval ritual of
title display, freemasons
recognizing each other,
freeze-mates, a patrician
street, a mathematical
contribution to the theory
of falling in love, this
text could be made into
a book, looking forward to
the blank, one line worth
saving, pixie pisskee, nuff
shit, loda,

Sunday, May 25, 2014


this was either done by a little
kid or a geographer, trust
drones market access,
elsewherenesses, transbeman,
free-range kids, meat is mudra,
bullcorns, national art hate
week, offers armpit, johnny
tostitos, ccbmc cluster,
good old norm racine, we
are being managed, you have
not changed a lick, making
the beast with one back,
euboeleus, mickey fou, that
other form of madness, an
archaeology of silence, the
happy world, but so what?
they are madmen, the great
containment, balaneion,
at sunnyside, quadrantids,
mamzerim, katsu, fukien
tea triangles, criminal-as-
poet, the unbreachable gap
of acid, diggers, anarchist-
philanthropist, ringolevio,
paw head peskies, six! six up!
, meat flower, outside the
hat, gronad, your bald
head perfect for hats,
pennysaver flyers,
poverty lawyer, now is the
perfect moment, fete,

Saturday, May 24, 2014

"epistemological eidetics"

red dot, looking into the mouth
of a cockroach, note thread,
correctronic, well this poem is
great honey but would you
mind taking out the garbage?,
thumbs up for you too!, too
many e’s, too many a’s, the
pennies are all gone, the paper
dress, rosepills, mata, the
paleta man, bombpops, colony
collapse disorder, we are being
intervened for our political
content, buff for a tag,
coming from hope, buck a pop,
oranges xanax, cut to the
chase faulkner, concrete
presence, exposes in the
consequences of his humanity,
droit de cité, doctorat d’état,
rapporteur, epistemological
eidetics, the role of error
in the search for “truth” ,
brass hats for, orange fur,
couchetards, snot rocket,
jackalope, jack stones,
you’ll be sorry when friday
night rolls around and
you’re lonely, there is no
point publishing, all these
little bits will find a
home, fucking is a substitute,

Friday, May 23, 2014


dating art, weizen, kawashima,
a leather tramp, rezz, taxomoney,
push poseballs, ruthy, ruth
from the block, chouchou, the
cutie hunters, crafting time,
down he goes, pickled okra, one
penny talk at a time, upbeat
jobs data, cluster of meat,
sixty-six cents, lolo, in english
please, hey hey hey you better
shut off the juice, give
us the picture first, ava
tatari, strap-on visual agents,
lonehead, the second self,
unconsumable self-images,
cyborg theory, self-regulating
artifact-organism, cyborg
is the human enhanced, a
tool of signification, the
wholesale appropriation of
the other, covert instruments
of multinational capitalism,
lex lonehead, one dollar: one
vote, transgendered activities,
we willingly sit for hours
motionless at the keyboard,
a disorder of impulse
control, internetomania,
the cult of docile bodies,
the reading body, the
writing body,

Thursday, May 22, 2014


fuck perfect, lightbox shoes,
spin class, hyperforms, stingy
about the penny, padiddle,
the spread’n’outer, the snatch
of conversation, high and dry
pony, freckle-faced imp, zen
gossip, chaste tree berry,
camo high heels, ripped off
by a multinational, chicken
in quotation marks, it’s not
spouge it’s glue, skizzard,
what trance you been in,
don’t need no trance, a
squinch owl, capital ell
luster, checked excess at the
heart, socrates’ corner, meta-
messages, spiral tunnel,
coppa, leeks and oranges,
cushings syndrome,
tlalocal, good ole fawny
chadow, unsprung weight,
glarus, paleotherium,
naming concrete, chiasmus,
anamorphosis, concrete sign,
slant laughter, clusters
of needles, isotopies,
anaphora, word sentences,
meiotic, a paint slat gun,
the alterity industry,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


one seeks presence, decoration day,
temporised with, penny trickle, nickle-a-
minute, tells no tale, you bump everybody
else off the internet, the ping that
pings the pong, one has no need to
communicate with anyone, if i had a
scanner handy, places the mind, air
can, we really care about our
customers, quaudra, the war to
budge an inch, not to cure, paroisses,
the smell of my fart indicates
presence, gapping the phrase, generous
margins are for, laval, the staple
was holding the world together,
zero one but, another hand was at
work here, maybe a double fold,
how did the ink get removed,
phase-buk, workflower, slanglais,
net entities, gyves, to take the lie,
still mysteries, fake the fact,
tunis, your father’s birthday,
the rein contained, nothing will be
able to hold, material of
responsability, something that
still has unfoldability, we have
had these things unfolded,
pretending to be a furry thing,
paracommunication, copt-out, it
looks like a simple receipt but
it’s actually an artwork, ephemere,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


iron juxtaposition, furrymud, the
new white nigger, bivouac, incept,
scuppernong claret, iron flame,
palm-sweated penny, the nooky seat,
that penny’s modicum, don’t you
think, b, dehierarchalization,
kraft vin, orange cara, departure
and departure, one is not an
assidu voyageur, i’m not really
sure if i’m where i’m supposed
to be, ming her, refuses to even
say bonjour, knocked me out and
stole my boots, we’ve got a bit
of a glitch here, one is not
meeting the moss quota, mouche,
achat, go for a ride, canadian
nickel bill, sph x, kalmia
angustifolia, bergeron, can we
get these references,
cladiopella fluitans, acting
on your behalf, we only hit
sixteen with a boost, five sands,
one needs a gizmo, it says
horsetails, wesukapup, continu,
depressa, black wheat,

Monday, May 19, 2014

"lac hébécourt"

hoodis, newcon, overdue internet
bill, ding ya a penny on the
dollar, they went to a black
t, they want you to think of
the interest as a regular
purchase, you didn’t even hit
the minimum, budget nothing,
sculpts or sculpties, the
spreadin’ outer, googleplexus,
lenoism, graffitibot, tov meod,
i was lying about not getting
any bills, two bit deposit,
cluster of pepper shakers,
demiglace, sludgehammer,
interfusional, the politics
of location, quaternitarian,
exophoric endophoric, i know
what i am referring to, are
you having fun doing this,
arbitrary end, soldier strike,
war strike, notworking,
leatherhead, koolatta
mondatta, doing easy,
gimme an enn, chext, cake
ba, lac hébécourt, la
capitation ça me concerne,
writing with a scalpel,
some of these texts mich,
cull texts, prep these texts,
the underlying text,
don’t know how these marks,

Sunday, May 18, 2014

"morselated subject"

antisocial media, kon zuk,
concrete jewelry, entombed in
solid concrete, dojo, strategic
sidekick sacrifice, cluster
of pennies, cluster of coffee
beans, parmelia sulcata plus
one, to unname something,
pseudoanorexia or hunger art,
the american ideology, the
effect of historical and
colonial, hawthorne centenary
essays, idées reçues, the
morselated subject, virtual
subjects, atc normal, blazt,
the white tiger, it’s always
coming again unless it’s not,
ross mail, it’s nothing time!,
a little tight but, let her
lead, penniless scheme-spinners,
auricula, even handed
conversation, beardmore on,
i can just smell us now, mgr
tessier, pronounce rouyn,
pronounce calgary, how do
you feel about pop culture,
no need to call area code,
etkto, nickle eye, a moral
idiot, mysterium coniunctionis,
the black pukes, a fool-saint,
ich dien, melita, specimen
work, network of notworkers,

Saturday, May 17, 2014


let her head, your chamber, always
a pleasure to discover, extrafolate,
marzena, what did you do with
your august, belly cut python,
fifty-fifty avenue, radome,
synthétiseur, embraer, the blog
is an entity unto itself,
communicative competence,
geronimo kimmosabe, fuck
thinking, a madonna in a
bathtub, blissfully doomed,
rezzable, oranges cream
cluster, loonies cluster, you
are paying for the void, ajahn,
the entire circular horizon,
the pleasure of queen anne,
concrete cash, bottomless
fragmentation, fluxus
theory, wrote the whole book
in a day, your word is, your
word is groceries, your word
is enigma, your word is
profile, your word is sparrow,
your word is steak, your
word is outskirts, pop culture
in the eye, you missed your
chance to look out the
window, valdor, without
phrase, a day or two of
flow, fa, i can’t seem to
i can’t seem to, telephone
money, re-thirty-seven,

Friday, May 16, 2014


ross idlemind, augmentology,
snort the green dust, chase
the day, flip flop and fly,
held incommunicado in
solitary confinement, steel-
helix, injecting moon-dust,
active submission, nyxis,
patrafirelor, beixo, a data
firm, cuvinte, dar,
communicative competence,
if you’re paying for fourteen,
ten thousand pigs, things we
need for the future,
incapable of making decisions,
information impregnated in
the paper, zero call for art,
no more slocans, structure
wise, all fucked, nice lil
booklet that nobody wants,
turn the phone book into
visual poetry, can’t seen,
death zen, we need to have
the actual objects, cheap
rump, ass in a sling, flack
catcher, are you not proud
of this text, i am picking
up your language, we
it only says twenty when,
taking lunatics as your
models, the bill failed
to arrive, compy, mail job,

Thursday, May 15, 2014

"mimetic rivalry"

signapore, unjumble, faceoffbook,
debolding, woman flesh, big head,
crazy inside, elderflower,
stubborn resistance toward
power, jailtalk, evite evet,
the last bud of the paridelles,
honey well, penche toi encore,
eloge de la fesse, butter
bananas, maybe try those other
butters, demo clause, feel
free to waste, genuine véritable,
post-holocaust poiesis, sublating,
a play in which nothing happens:
twice, the big kahuna, trance
pacific, lanais, superfuck,
eyes of blue painted blue,
areolae, potlatch poetry,
steppa, pastoral power,
veridiction, carolina rediviva,
the techniques of self, the
eternal white turtleneck,
bonze, white paper, latent
pétainism, the silence of
left-wing intellectuals,
meisen, imitatio christi,
mimetic rivalry, fréres
ennemis, repetition with
a difference, this-worldly,
tha, what do you plan to
do with this piece of paper,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

"paleotherium femurs"

curating your brand, evet,
timespending, a swirly, might
be forced to take a job someday,
whizpiz, a pisshead, a jest for
life, one prefers conversation to
sex, not making a submission:
just getting rid of a pile of
paper, mangina, just committed
to a forty year project, you
are making savings by not
buying, cinnamon cluster,
izakaya, riding the financial
thermals, kanna, globefish,
répétition, mythos, virtual
power, homo ludens, ocean
snow, paleotherium femurs,
every book by dana gioia,
honey blister, sprinks,
hyperopic, clandestine tapes,
the boat people, cyber-
collective, a fun listserve
e-mail but, awopbopaloobop-
awopbamboom, are you finding
much meaning here, left
a skull and a beaver dam
behind, honey work, reserve
face, duplicate work,
i stole this line, i stole
this word, do you know why
one writes? to be loved,
do we need a true sex?,

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


lost cause célèbre, monotasker,
i need a hat, tindersticks, the
amen break, dub plates, zlug,
fly it like the freak flag,
community: that thing that got
ripped apart, mass produced poem,
the copy girl, one can’t be
bothered to play, goi, avon egg,
battered penny, orange sand,
conceptual art rubberstamp,
nobody responds, too much
conversation, you can see,
next week’s issue, rifle file,
the golden pencil, mango
orange, housedress eyes closed,
arrested for producing and
distributing illegal
pamphlets, scramble crossing,
the anti-fascist protection
border, nummer negen,
nunannguaq, inhibitory
control, superfreakonomics,
purell, concentrated on the
human experience, syrah
and grenache, comeuppance,
he remained outdoors
roaming the streets for an
entire year, cognitive
behaviour therapy, gravel-
and-honey, nothing ought
to be copied, tubaldetox,

Monday, May 12, 2014


we could easily get rid of these
creases, conquero watermark, in
case you need some cash quick,
thought replacement technique,
promenthazine, blogger’s block,
agenesis, eliot in highgate
cemetery, corpus delectation,
even here in the high chaparral,
we don’t need this line twice,
we don’t need this line twice,
oh that world: the real one,
the world is all that is your
face, apo slash fpo, pharma-
blonde, pence de moy, joual,
the recognizable pseudonym,
lossophobia, the mirror self-
recognition test, c, meet
me on the corner of malbec
and atavan, destroying the
universe, a rubberstamp that
says: mindless rubberstamping,
convert the sinking ship to
a submarine : quick! ,
katabatic winds, a
rubberstamp that says:
intentionally left blank,
ungoogleable, reality
levels, non-destructive
testing, prefer the brown
acid, resun me,

Saturday, May 10, 2014

"savanarola savak"

mutasis, knit graffiti, one penny
at a time, penny empire,
cluster had it coming, curate
your brand, pink anarchy,
hyperoptics, cremains, think
here: you are reading a poem –
already this defines you, an
endurance artist, penisaurus,
bernardinism, russian criminal
tattoos, you might be able to
call over some decent,
champfleuy vaudreu, they
have the ink out of reach,
eight and a half by eleven
cluster, carina nebula,
folding histories together,
savanarola savak, hammond’s
folly, we prefer to read
eight and a half by eleven
texts, i’m glad the printer
is fucking up, remain in
blank, just pick the best
phrase and delete the rest,
freeze cell, no ideas but in
drugs, out of print: out of
mind, cyclamor, asus,
there’s a big fidderence,
who’s the writingist man
on the planet, bull and

Friday, May 09, 2014

"chresis aphrodision"

gaxiola, to form a more perfect
union, greenfield, you pick all
these images up with your eye,
please spare me the grubby paper,
sketch sketch sketchy, boulist,
sumi, oil city ontario, inukshuk,
xrumer five point zero palladium,
terrazzorized, a transgressionary
praxis, council tenancy, socio-
linguistics, the anal g-spot,
find videorecordings unbearably
boring, first person shooter
movies, plaster union, shred of
decency, vaage, cluster of
bay leaves, juvenile honey
girl, write a little poetry
on that scrap paper, aphrodisia,
a technique of self, the
formation of self, care for
the self, a historically
constituted experience,
the arts of existence,
chresis aphrodision, mind
hunt, la gloire, comment
on écrit histoire, the games
of truth and error, the
technique of life, the
technique of existence,
cheese the day, pay-what-
you-think restaurant,
small clay pots of moss,

Thursday, May 08, 2014


fesse lover, add as foe, dock
ellis’ no hitter, the mastermind
of the idiocy, one is destroying
the universe, anxiety disorder,
population six million, nervine,
you are making most of your
financial transactions in
lindens, consuming is work,
navel lovin’, dionysian poiesis,
self-overcoming, mimetic
friendship, the blond beast,
re-memberance, flying into
love field, abnegation of
the will, a pessimism of the
strong, the spirit of seriousness,
re-member every moment, stay
thou art fair, gelassenheit,
releasement, rhuthmos,
mimetizes, self-diremption,
panta rhei, peuple de gauche,
is it important to think?,
a logic of the left, stubborn
resistance to power, chacun
cez soi, noninterference in
the affairs of sister
parties, libertarian left,
party machinery, the tenth
of may, varsovivre, fellow
travelers are, the caged-in
half of europe, junglee,

Wednesday, May 07, 2014


smear of shit on the page, when
is a stamp not a stamp, old man
winner, n’oublions pas, unmatch,
forest on, the kings of christ,
forgotten lions, unis, little
tyger, slow fun, textcatchers,
frantic cam, a charming asshole,
laff yer asphalt, faceshark,
nasum, meatworld, another
fucking ream of paper, purchase
a chat, breast fillet, nothing
to shake a stick at, paper cluster,
it’s one thing ‘til you cut it,
bonellia, gonochorism,
bidder’s organ, sexual
bipotentiality, uterus
masculinus, gärtner’s canal,
intersexuality, a sexually
retarded worker, soma, the
cloaca, gynandromorphism,
four hundred eggs, the males
are economically useless and
are killed off at times,
edriolydnus, palpating, the
battle of the sexes, bent
spur, pittenweem, tying up
precious underground
resources, batrachian,
amplexus, the obstetrical
toad, the oestrus cycle,

Tuesday, May 06, 2014


strike from invisible, the tragedy
of bold play, saint ross, one
loves too much information,
zinio, nom de-script, wuming,
locked-in-dream syndrome, sleep
paralysis, somniphobia, a nice
fat book of lorem ipsum,
jettison the penny, polyphenols,
guerrilla giving, daw dsp,
egg macguffin, spell yogurt,
mustard cluster, the complete
backing, microvacations,
ventunesimo, testa puntita,
ziti, deuteragonist, total
revenge versus no revenge at
all, this supreme menace to
the will, sick revenge, the
mimesis of poiesis is catharsis,
never cut off a hummer, let’s
play candyland, the mountain
orange, polypheme, momo,
scrapple, even tho i was
reading out loud i wasn’t
paying any attention,
taqwacore, brewers blackbirds,
debus, kaposi’s sarcoma,
say no to size zero, starving
for control, nothing tastes
as good as skinny feels,
pro-anorexia websites,

Monday, May 05, 2014


remember when nipples were taboo,
kookaluka, your life box, the
new word for the year is unfriend,
tulsi, cachamai, rubberstamper’s
elbow, a bound stack of paper
strips, actually don’t like to
see the poem, book of the one
poem, inventions poles, bananas
dressing, salad cluster, peel
and eat, this heart is not
broken: it’s deliberately cut,
the open kiss, hello vagina
dentata, she goes thru a lot
of time, er, twine, hohner,
plasdōpake, we need another
colour blast off this, this
is being directed, a cult
for old ladies, lack concrete
means, housework economic
condition, mitsein, a soft
spot for tomboys, man-the-
sovereign, woman-the-liege,
blessed be got, the concrete
events of conjugal life,
woman’s concrete situation,
an angel – neither man nor
woman, concrete opportunities,
en-soi, you only ever get
about a ten percent return
on love, mimetic escalation,
strategies of madness,

Sunday, May 04, 2014


you’ve done the magic transformation,
a small big inning, don’t tell me
how to blog, yer fucking kidding
me, the place you picked up your
copy of the doors of perception,
aside from the use of lowercase,
oh my head is on fire, printer’s
delight, what is this chaos,
black and white nipples, a soft
spot for tomboys, vortexting,
sexting, blood-jet printer,
faceshark, nymphita, still
publishing, lonely mail hearts
club, a bit of paper this
small is only good for one
thing, axe shampoo commercials,
silence cluster, you’ll never
get rid of the all, print it
gumside, dayglo brian,
existism, protoelectric,
balanchine, embayment,
sporozoans, schizogenesis,
blastogenesis, sarcode,
tunicates, a concrete sense
of belonging, spermatic
animalcules, annelid worms,
cœlenterates, graafian
follicles, saint eno,
concrete manifestations,
oogenesis, isogamy,