Wednesday, October 29, 2008

book antics

to nobody, surface filter,
nothing real outside the gates,
who is going to fill in the blank,
canoe milk brokenarm, we need
text to fill the gap, collection
of blank, poikilo, apodiabolosis,
qliphotic, already tranced,
mini nothing, ultramarginalized,
huge embroidered cabbage,
community of the hyper
educated, klonopin, default
design, the methodist
position, books are for selling,
blank art, nothing is for sale,
building a collection, eye
don’t see no blue dot, enuf
with the eye, oodles of
doodles, pencil in the page
numbers, enjoy and that’s an
order word, always already
moved, planned versus
unplanned nothing, concrete
nouns, sourstuffflask,

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