Saturday, June 20, 2009

"give this text a title"

nothing is beyond redemption,
it all came out of africa, please
stop the communication, give this
text a title, went lefty, when
your hand gets tired use the
other, gotta ff, drawing in
your sleep, thanks for bearing
with me, this chit, cloudsnakes,
cloudwalker, east coast
hauteur, the gini index, still
blind, unknown money, good to
go, landing in the sun, paid to
read, eye acknowledge, don’t
forget the acid, paper is good
for nothing,

i think we’re in africa, tick water
buffalo off the list, down at the
water hole, all the little green
things in between, a rubberstamp
that says elephant, why is that
animal glowing, check the huge
blossoms on that tree, the people
who live in those huts, poor old
elephant is it real, look a human,
now we are roaring down the high-
way, the animal is on it’s mark,
mere pelican, yung, monkeys blocking
the road, the baboon’s ass, birdwise,
tall bird, here’s us,

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