Friday, November 28, 2008

“If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.” Blake

the things close to the edge often
fall off, suck on my toe it makes
me feel so connected, maybe we
ought to poke, dumbook, nag you
to insanity, one is just a fool
persisting in one’s folly, if you
cared about me you would google me,
fuck hannah, zenography, if
you had to choose between a
loophole and a noose which would you take?,
the bad stuff that will kill you, note differences,
dominant loser, random hello, you might be
surprised where you end up, let it go, you want to
be the star of the horrorshow, vegeble, get in the
habit of working, a penny for the environment,
you have to get thru the stench, martial dragon,
let’s get on up, do you mean to say some people
are chaff, flux in the gulch, contact

1 comment:

Antony Kamau said...

For some reason, the quote stuck on me. I have even quoted it on 'Words Much Like Poetry' A poetry blog I a m a part of.