Thursday, December 04, 2008

constant sorrow

code red penny, sand hat,
trance money, tempted to say,
moss sex, god’s poison, blank
mimicry, shattered concrete,
mimetic excess, extermination
of the real, e em and eir,
higher-order consciousness,
the lethal squandering of
ourselves, a brief psychotic
episode, hydrodemolition,
waning of affect, inner
distanciation, am i getting
paid for this, the captive
audience project, the one who
appreciates, while the problem
sleeps, am number one, aft
number one, lost labour, hoping
for despair, half a moment
half a month, write a whole
nother, really sleeping or, copy
it and call it done, now you
too have let me down, now i have
let you down too, hope crashes
eternal, perpetual notion,
para-system, envois, artistic
micro-society, microperceptions,
anexact, zones of indeterminacy,
the hallucinatory intensity of
schizophrenic disjunction,
post-transsexuality, human
concerns e, mammoplasty, a
deindividuated model of the
self, phallogocratic, the
good enough mother,

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