Wednesday, December 17, 2008


repondront, riddle solved, mix-ups
in communications, it’s not ringing
any bells at the moment but it will
it will, a change to arrange,
subatomic consciousness, what do i
have to do with myself, jet blue,
midnightize, frozen t-shirt, the time
is dead, age progression, skindials,
my universe is contracting, legnipple,
para-art, iew, we put in the change but,
barcode removed, deny money, what
image are you projecting, yop yog blog,
fashion trends in glasses, yshb,
elephant holepunch, no gard,
happy in hell, suddenly nothing,
a yope-a-lope, start writing at
work, the word kitty-corner,
canola, fear of information
loss, is this part of the art no
longer, you have a phone number
but you can’t remember it,
does this qualify, jala pen,
you can call me wendy, you are
talking to everyone but you
are not talking to me, you
always need more money,
three seven four one six, the
land of wheat, wouldn’t
cross the road for it, you
told me three thousand,
obgk, slack coal, sea fret,

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