Sunday, March 01, 2009

"no need for to destroy" & "stop zero"

minute collisions, typex,
the relief method, french
marks, every time you look
at one, beneath the line,
above the line, stampday,
no need for to destroy,
alexia and agnosia, explore
device, singha, extradictionary,
oriental consciousness, hand
red, which sense is which,
scotomaphobia, unceasing
supply, zen ink violence,
eye-brary, eye trance, two
pigs fucking, mere photo-
shopping, a quick sketch,
just say no to the wheel,
cold metal cat, inkwire,

the sun is just another star,
toy work, howff, photocopy
face, the penny drop, there
is no end to the bottom,
expanding the heart’s core,
papericity, espoused this
hegemony clamouring,
hat trick, stop zero, here
where the lines get closer
together, blue original,
vinizone, the social lyric,
formless chora, commitment
literature, a colour line,
the praxis of language,
the three lyrical events
from nineteen-fifty-seven,

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